St. Croix
Weather, US Virgin Islands - USVI
St. Croix has
some of the finest weather in the world. The temperature
averages 82 degrees year round and it only varies about
7- 8 degrees between the summer and winter months. Easterly
trade winds, the same ones that early Europeans used to
get to the Caribbean from the coast of Africa, generally
keep it comfortable and keep the humidity down. Of course,
it is the tropics, and with that comes some rain. Don't
worry though, because most of our rain comes in brief showers
and many of them happen at night so they won't interfere
with your fun in the St. Croix sun. It doesn't get much
better than that!
down this page and you will find several valuable resources
for weather on St. Croix.

Christiansted Weather Forecast, VI

Weather Forecast |
Weather Maps |
Weather Radar

National Hurricane Center
Please note:
Refresh/reload your browser for current conditions.
This product is updated at approximately 2 AM, 8 AM, 2 PM,
and 8 PM EDT from June 1 to November 30. Special outlooks
may be issued as conditions warrant.
Virgin Islands All-Hazards Alert
and Notification

St Croix Temperature and Precipitation Averages
St Croix's average temperatures
only vary about 5 degrees from the winter months to the
summer/fall months. March through April are the driest months,
while September through November are the wettest. Keep in
mind that although September through November have more
rainfall relative to March through April, it doesn't rain
for days on end. There is still lots of great weather. Typically,
there will just be more passing showers, that may last a
little longer, than during the drier months of the year.
The island is also very beautiful during the wetter's
very green and lush.
